At Vista Taos Renewal Center, your plan to recovery is designed specifically for you or your loved one. With focused attention and compassion, we work alongside each of our clients during their unique recovery process.
Over our 30 years of providing treatment, we’ve built a program that can deliver the change, freedom, hope and healing that our clients need to make a long-lasting and sustainable recovery.
Rooted in research and industry best practices, our holistic addiction treatment programs provide support for your mind, body and spirit. Our fully individualized, evidence-based treatment plans will help you to find recovery.
We offer in our renewal center detoxification, primary care and extended care programming, designed to treat you in a holistic fashion. Our expert staff members will support you mentally, physically and spiritually throughout this process. Through comprehensive treatment and a small staff-to-client ratio, we provide care tailored to your unique needs, resulting in improved outcomes and lasting sobriety.
Our approach to addiction treatment is completely unique to Vista Taos. In our renewal center, we focus on the issues underlying addiction, not just on treating unhealthy behavior. Through a blend of holistic methods, we help you to address your past and build a brighter future.
Through our residential rehab facilities, you have countless opportunities to focus on both intensive treatment and long-term recovery. In addition, in our renewal center, we provide support for all types of addiction, including dependence on opioids, alcohol, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines, heroin and more. Our evidence-based methods combine to heal you physically, mentally and spiritually, resulting in a feeling of connection and acceptance that you may not have experienced before.